
Pick a plan to start your Daylily Catalog


$0 per year

For hobby gardeners and evaluation

All our standard features

Limit 100 daylily listings

Start for free


$60 per year

For serious gardeners and hybridizers

All our standard features

Unlimited daylily listings

Upload garden and daylily photos

Website for your catalog

Get started

Standard Features


Daylily Listings

Information about your daylilies. Add a name description, price, and private notes for each daylily.


Photos and data

Select a daylily from our database of 90,000+ registered cultivars. Photo and data added automatically, if available.


Catalog lists

Organize your daylily collection into lists. Make a list for favorite daylilies, seedlings, or a section of your garden.


Garden info

Tell your story, announce a special sale, link to your social media pages. Name, location, garden description, and email are standard, but you can add anything you want!

Pro Features

Unlimited daylily listings

The free plan has a limit of 100 daylily listings. The pro plan removes this limit and allows you to upload as many daylilies as you like.


Photo uploads

Upload photos of your garden and daylilies. You can upload four photos of each daylily. Take and upload photos from your smart phone while in the garden, or click and drag to upload from your computer.


Public website for your catalog

Share your catalog with customers, friends, and family. Your public site is updated every night.


Unlimited lists

Lists allow you to organize your daylily catalog. The pro plan lets you add as many lists as you like.

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